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Business as government

In response to the Jan. 31 letter, “Government is not a business”: What if a business followed a government model? If the business ran out of money, it could print more or borrow endless sums from China. Or, it could just poke a gun at someone’s chest and demand money. Such a business would never lay off any paper-shufflers or bean counters.

If anyone got laid off, it would be the line workers actually providing services. Raises going to management and professionals would always be huge while the raises for most workers would be a pittance (liberals would have you think this only happens in the private sector). Bosses could get lifetime pensions after working as little as two years, with raises and full medical benefits included.

Company rules for employees would not apply to bosses. There would be no incentive to improve services with lower cost. Has there ever been a government anywhere that has not been seriously corrupted by its rulers?

Craig Detmer


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