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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Vinegar-mouthwash mixture helps one reader banish nail fungus

Joe Graedon, M.S., And Teresa Graedon, Ph.D. M.S.

Q. I have had toenail fungus for many years and have tried all the remedies you’ve written about without success – until now. At the same time of day, for more than 21 days, I soaked my toes and feet in a 1:1 ratio of white vinegar and generic Listerine.

I have NO toenail fungus and maintain this status by using tea tree oil on my nails. I hope this formula might help others.

A. Getting rid of nail fungus often requires patience. It can take months for a toenail to grow out fungus-free. What works for one person may be totally ineffective for another.

We are delighted that you have had success with the vinegar-and-Listerine mixture. Many readers also report success with this approach. There are other testimonials about a variety of nail-fungus remedies at

Q. For the record, one kiwi is a marvelous thing for me. A single kiwi reverses a mouth sore, and a couple will send it into oblivion! Thanks for offering that tip some time ago.

A. We first heard about the value of kiwi for canker sores in 1999: “I have suffered with mouth ulcers all my life. I have tried many home remedies, over-the-counter cures and a few prescriptions. Eating one kiwi cures my canker sores as fast as the prescription steroid cream, and the kiwi doesn’t come with warnings about the danger of putting it in your mouth.”

Another reader also found this observation helpful: “I’ve always been susceptible to getting canker sores in my mouth, so when I heard that kiwi fruit could make them go away quickly, I had to try. Wow! It was gone in two days.

“I had another sore about a week later and ate a kiwi. Again, my canker sore was gone in two days. Now I don’t wait for the canker sore to show up. I just eat a kiwi every few days. I’m 58 and had suffered with canker sores since college.”

We still don’t know why kiwi can help mouth ulcers, but it is simple and safe enough to try.