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Vote for the 98 percent

Taxes are now at a 30-year low. Most Americans want to see the wealthy shoulder the tax burden as they have in the past, rather than getting another tax break. The wealthy 2 percent are already rich beyond comprehension and will feel little or no effect from a tax increase.

Currently, the Republican Party’s beloved “job creators” are not creating the necessary jobs to help stimulate the economy, and another tax break will not miraculously cause them to change their ways. House Republicans could give us (the 98 percent) a tax cut now, but instead they are holding our middle class tax cut hostage so they can give another unnecessary cut to the already wealthy 2 percent.

Our Idaho House Rep. Raul Labrador is voting against us again. We need representatives in Congress who will vote in our best interest for a change, instead of continuing to vote only to please their big money contributors.

Brian Windham

Post Falls

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