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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Sandusky investigation expands to postal porn


STATE COLLEGE, Pa. – Jerry Sandusky’s attorney called new allegations that the former Penn State assistant football coach may have sent pornographic materials through the mail “unfathomable.”

Sandusky, convicted in June on 45 counts of child sex abuse, is reportedly the focus of an investigation by the U.S. Postal Service, which is looking into whether he sent child pornography across state lines, CBS News said Friday.

Federal investigators are analyzing a computer seized from Sandusky. They are also attempting to confirm Sandusky mailed “seductive letters” to sexual targets, the network reported.

In an interview Friday evening with McClatchy Newspapers, Joe Amendola said the Sandusky legal team has not been notified of a postal service investigation.

“The whole concept of a porno ring, or whatever they’re saying, is, we believe, ridiculous,” Amendola said.

He said: “Jerry continues to maintain his innocence across the board. It’s unfathomable that this could be possible, but we’ll have to wait and see what they say.”

CBS reported that the pornography investigation is under the direction of U.S. postal inspectors in Harrisburg, Pa., and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.

Sandusky was convicted of abusing 10 boys beginning in 1998. Some of the incidents occurred on the Penn State campus.