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Put Jesus on the menu

I know there’s no Chick-Fil-A here in Spokane, but in my heart I stood with those Christians waiting to be served chicken sandwiches. I stood there, until evening when I noticed an old friend posted something online. There was a picture of the unprecedented gathering, captioned with the words: “You’d never see that many Christians lined up to help at a food bank or homeless shelter, and that’s something Jesus actually said to do.”

How ironic and convicting that an atheist should know our calling better than we do.

In reflection, the whole Christian reaction was completely hypocritical. Is not the second greatest commandment to love your neighbor? If anyone’s confused about this statute, don’t fret, Jesus clarifies with the Good Samaritan story that “neighbor” isn’t just anyone, it’s someone we would normally despise.

Also, if you’re still fuzzy on what love entails, look to that famous verse; John 3:16 states, “God so loved the world that He gave …” There you have it, God says love is sacrificial giving, and if you love God, you will follow His commands, no matter what.

So when did a movement based on love become a hate group against homosexuals?

Kristen Michaelis


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