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Riccelli is the answer

Why are so many supporting Marcus Riccelli for state representative? Why are so many leaders and organizations endorsing Marcus? I wanted to know, so I investigated and found my answer.

Riccelli has been active in the Spokane community for years. He has a track record of effectiveness demonstrated through his work as a community leader, and as Lisa Brown’s senior policy adviser. Marcus has by far the most experience of the candidates, but he is also the youngest among them. That’s a rare combination.

I found out that Marcus established the Spokane Young Democrats, and has been committed to serving on nonprofit boards throughout the community. I found out that before serving Brown, Marcus worked for Sen. Maria Cantwell, and they both have wholeheartedly supported him. I found out that Marcus has been working to create good jobs, improve education, support small business, protect the social safety net, and has earned the endorsements of organizations familiar with these issues. Most of all, I had the opportunity to meet Marcus in person and see his passion and dedication to public service. He earned my vote because actions speak louder than words. I hope he has earned your vote, too.

Bob Schlim


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