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Charen gets it all wrong
Columnist Mona Charen managed to get everything wrong in her diatribe against President Barack Obama (April 10).
First, she attacks him for saving the U.S. auto industry, and thousands of jobs, by bailing out General Motors and Chrysler, and putting us on even ground with our foreign competitors. Then she attacks his handling of the Gulf oil spill, an unmitigated disaster, for demanding that foreign-based BP Oil be responsible for cleaning up the mess, and compensating workers and business owners who had been harmed.
Next, she castigates him for suggesting the Supreme Court use caution in overturning a health care reform law that was passed by a duly-elected Congress.
She neglects to mention the pervasive lack of confidence in the court as being anything other than a politically motivated organization after its 5-4 (GOP-appointed majority) overruling, in the 2000 election, of the Florida Supreme Court decision to continue recounting ballots, and thus handing the presidency to George W. Bush.
That was followed by its ruling allowing unlimited corporate and special interest money to influence our elections.
Perhaps in her next column, Ms. Charen can get something right.
James W. Ramsey