Ramirez’s one-note cartoons
I have wondered for a long while about why The Spokesman-Review chooses to print every cartoon Michael Ramirez has ever drawn.
This guy has one idea and one idea only. OK, he hates President Obama. I get it. The cartoon of Aug. 29 has pushed it over the top, however.
For Ramirez to portray American corporations as Rosa Parks is beyond the pale. Rosa Parks courageously took a stand for a people beleaguered by injustice.
American corporations, on the other hand, have had their way with this country for 50 years to the detriment of all of the rest of us. They have off-shored jobs when they didn’t want to pay American wages. They have off-shored jobs when they didn’t want to follow American environmental rules.
They have dodged their share of the tax burden. They have polluted the political system with amounts of money that none of the rest of us can overcome.
Then Ramirez has the gall to portray them as an underclass? Give me a break!
Why don’t you save the space that you give to his whiny cartoons and just print a line every day that says “Michael Ramirez still hates President Obama.”
Sande and Steve Paulson