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One cool job

After reading Shawn Vestal’s column on Dec. 30 regarding the city’s snow removal program, I was inspired to contribute this message. The previous night, a plow and grader came through our South Hill neighborhood after we had already shoveled our driveway, and to my surprise, the grader driver adjusted the blade to prevent a huge snow berm from blocking the driveway. Bravo!

This in addition to the fact the city has sent plows out to our area three times now this winter. Much appreciated, as we are only a few blocks from the county boundary and snow removal in times past has been a bit inconsistent.

After seeing Shawn’s column, hearing and reading so many negative comments over the past few “Snowpocalypse” years about the city of Spokane’s snow removal efforts, I prefer to focus on the positives, understanding the challenges (budget and large coverage area), and thank both the mayor for her commitment to improving our city’s services and the dedication of these hardworking drivers. Overall, we have had decent service and appreciate it! I know my neighbors will agree.

David Vahala


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