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Gains flow to top of economy

Partisans all chime in with the same talking points.

The current theme? The redistribution of wealth.

Let’s see, Clinton added all of our Social Security savings to his “surplus” to look good. Then Bush gave it as tax refunds unconnected to SS, and going to those who’ll never need it.

Then our jobs were sold to overseas slave wages and the profits going to those who golf and “acquire” wealth. Then the pension funds for those hardworking Americans were looted by and for the same upper class.

Then Wall Street, the connection to the top percent, got regulations against dishonest shortcuts dropped, which we then gave our working tax dollars to fix their trickery and frantic need for more money.

Now those same weasels are profiting hugely again and us honest working people aren’t seeing hardly any of it.

Our jobs, pensions, Social Security are gone. Looks like the redistribution of wealth had already happened.

And those who did this to us call themselves patriots and complain about “supporting” the rest of us. Your favorite TV mouthpiece most likely knows better but snows you anyway. Hence the reason for similar letters at once.

A political party? More like a religion nowadays.

Jordan Cole

Spokane Valley

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