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Debate offset liberal bias

Shawn Vestal’s Dec. 16 column was hilarious. He goes on and on about how one debate in one school might have had a conservative leaning to it. He did not publish all of the questions given at this debate, so we could see if it really was biased. We just had to take his biased opinion.

Most schools are so heavily leaning to the liberal side when they are teaching that many kids (including my own) have to write their essays with a liberal slant in order to get a better grade. Our son at Washington State University said that many times if he wrote a paper with a conservative slant he would get a lower grade. But if he wrote his papers with a liberal slant, easy A. I can’t tell you how many times my kids told me they had to watch the “Al Gore movie” in high school and college without any other side of the story. And yes, Shawn, there are plenty of scientists, climatologists and studies that have a differing opinion.

Why not do some research and see how many times throughout the year our kids are getting a liberal slant.

Mark Anderson

Newman Lake

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