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Debate fracas hypocritical
Your Dec. 15 article “District investigating Ferris debate” points out the interesting and contradictory position of the Spokane School District. “We expect that any teacher … would not use the classroom as a forum for his or her own political … ideologies.” So says Superintendent Nancy Stowell. “To me it felt like the kids were being used to move a personal agenda … That’s not right,” states Spokane Education Association President Jenny Rose.
Really! Then explain to me and those who admire the work and effort put into the Face Off at Ferris, how it is that the district and SEA are currently under investigation by the Public Disclosure Commission for campaign violations when the district allegedly used its time, facilities and personnel to promote the SEA candidate, Deana Brower, for the district board. Hypocrisy – look it up, educators. Your students certainly know what it means.
It appears the union is driving this charade to promote its own agenda, the district is allowing them to do it, and this paper isn’t helping matters through its incomplete and inaccurate reporting. Makes me sick!
Jim McDevitt