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Child protection resources

The devastation and heartbreak of the Penn State situation serves as a reminder that we, as a community, should be diligently on guard in protecting our children.

As a volunteer with Spokane County Juvenile Court and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Inland Northwest, I have seen full-time employees and fellow volunteers who are dedicated to the safety and well-being of kids. They don’t wait until it is convenient to report a suspected problem. They rush to the aid of the vulnerable, knowing that to delay is to damage.

In our area, advocacy groups like Child Protective Services (363-3333) specialize in fielding calls that bring attention to mistreatment while organizations like Lutheran Community Services and Crime Victims Center (866-751-7119) provide a refuge of healing for those impacted by abuse.

These agencies rely on citizens to be their eyes and ears. We can make a critical difference in the lives of children by being alert, knowing the network of resources and, most importantly, stepping up with courage and commitment on behalf of victims. Putting the reputation of any entity ahead of this responsibility – or simply avoiding the issue altogether – is a crime in itself.

Craig Howard


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