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Closures inefficient

Senate Bill 5094 proposes to close two residential centers that are homes for the developmentally disabled under the assumption that money will be saved.

As guardian for my sister, who lived at Lakeland Village for more than 50 years, I chose that home for her because she had severe behavioral, physical and medical disabilities. At Lakeland, she was given a safe environment where she received continuity of care and crucial programs for her well-being.

Lakeland and the other residential habilitation centers can supply these programs in the most efficient and cost-effective manner. The RHCs have their own doctors, dentists and therapists. In comparison, the community costs for those same services would be astronomical.

Those individuals who wanted to move from Lakeland and the other RHCs have moved. Our loved ones who continue to reside there are living there by choice. They should not be forced to move from their homes.

Bonnie M. Sullivan


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