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Sound agenda riles the left

Pete Scobby’s tirade against Glenn Beck and those who share his beliefs is unfortunately an accurate summary of today’s liberal mindset and verbiage. Anyone who disagrees with today’s liberal is categorized as racist and an extremist. Thank you, liberals, for making such a valuable contribution to the national discourse.

My wife and I were fortunate enough to attend the Restoring Honor rally on Aug. 28 in Washington, D.C. The content of the event included: honoring three military veterans who served our nation at tremendous sacrifice to themselves and their families; honoring three individuals who have served their nation and local communities through their personal commitment to helping others; recognition of Martin Luther King’s contributions to the growth of racial equality and the correction of past mistakes made by our society; the need to recognize errors that we have made as a nation and proceed with correcting those failures; a plea and prayer that this nation return to the beliefs upon which this nation was founded.

In the view of Pete and other leftists, this agenda makes us racists, extremists and lost souls.

Bless this nation, and may we all work constructively together to restore honor and dignity to our country.

Gerald Click


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