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Half-told tales
Sen. Patty Murray launched a false attack ad which conveniently ignored the $94,900 Murray has accepted from big bank PACs throughout her Senate career. The ad also omits Murray’s vote in favor of the big bank bailout known as TARP, which has hurt us all, as well as her vote against ending TARP. In addition, though her ad mentions bonuses at big banks funded by taxpayers, Murray neglects to mention that she voted for legislation which allowed for the bonuses at AIG and other firms which received taxpayer money.
In January, Sen. Murray voted for a rule known as pay-go, which requires Congress to offset new spending by cutting spending in other areas. Since it’s gone into effect, Murray has supported waiving pay-go to the tune of at least $223 billion in new spending.
She accuses Rossi of taking PAC and Wall Street money, ignoring her own acceptance of their money. That’s the pot calling the kettle black, yet she didn’t campaign against her other primary opponents. She has reason to run scared.
I, for one, am tired of her double talk and won’t vote for anyone who runs a negative campaign. She’s served, she’s failed, she should go.
M.J. Brazington
Deer Park