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I’m a Democrat, and the recent Republican ads are right: “I don’t get it.”

I don’t get:

Why Idaho’s predominantly Republican Legislature was so willing to slash the public school budget by $128 million.

Why Otter’s Tax Commission was allowed to short-change Idahoans by cutting some sweet, secret tax deals with big corporations.

Why state Republicans want to abolish the 17th Amendment, which allows us to elect our state’s senators.

Why Otter crippled the state parks budget with cutbacks, even though tourism is a burgeoning Idaho industry.

Why Otter initiated a clandestine plan with Big Oil to transport megaloads of equipment through our uniquely beautiful Clearwater/Lochsa corridor.

Why Otter pushed a 138 percent increase in vehicle registration fees for Idahoans, but only a 5 percent increase for the trucking industry, because “that’s all it was willing to pay.”

Why Otter was afraid to debate Allred in Lewiston.

Michelle Perdue

Grangeville, Idaho

I have gotten NO representation from Patty Murray from day one. Now she votes for a jobless stimulus which was no more than a blank check for the Democrats, a health care bill that was rammed down our throats (and by the way, my premiums just went up 9 percent), a bailout to the tune of $67 billion for union pensions, and a $1.29 trillion deficit (this year)!

She is a carbon copy of Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Barack Obama, friend to the SEIU, ACLU, federal unions, teachers unions, ACORN and everything else that is wrong with the direction of our country today. She says she did it for the children, but truth be told, she did it TO the children!

Scott Diettert


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