Freed American visits Iran bombing site
Forced attendance may be part of propaganda scheme

TEHRAN, Iran – An Iranian-American businessman freed after more than two years in Tehran’s main prison visited survivors of a deadly 2008 mosque bombing as a condition of his release in a scripted event Sunday that could carry propaganda value at home.
Iranian authorities did not immediately explain their demand for 71-year-old Reza Taghavi to pay homage in the southern city of Shiraz – and personally acknowledge an attack to which he denies having any connection. But it would fit neatly into possible Iranian attempts to squeeze multiple messages from Taghavi’s release on Saturday after 29 months in custody.
It can easily score political points at home for the ruling clerics at a time when international sanctions are hurting Iran’s economy.
The U.S. and allies fear Iran could use its nuclear fuel labs to eventually produce weapons-grade material. Iran says it only seeks peaceful energy-producing reactors.
Taghavi’s attorney – former U.S. diplomat Pierre Prosper – said he purposely left American officials out of the negotiations to avoid having his client become a bargaining chip.
“Our strategy was to make sure that our dialogue with the (Iranian) government was between us and them,” said Prosper, who held five rounds of direct talks with Iranian envoys since Taghavi was jailed.
Prosper said the talks ultimately convinced authorities that his client had no links to a rebel group blamed for the Shiraz mosque bombing that killed 14 people. Taghavi says he unwittingly gave $200 to someone with ties to the group.
Taghavi – accompanied by his wife and lawyer – fulfilled his pledge to visit the site of the mosque bombing. They later met with survivors, including people who lost relatives in the attack. Iran did not immediately release video of the encounters on state TV.
“Freedom is something so good. No one can imagine. I hope everybody enjoys his freedom,” Taghavi told the Associated Press in Tehran. He plans to return to his home in Southern California on Thursday.
Taghavi – who regularly visits Iran to conduct business and see family – had been jailed for passing $200 to someone suspected of links to a rebel group known as Tondar, which seeks to topple the Islamic system and was implicated in the mosque bombing. In 2009, Iran hanged three men convicted of a role in the bombing.
Taghavi, never formally charged, denies knowingly supporting the faction.