Entrepreneur moms operate diaper service

Two women with a passion to stay at home with their children found the happy medium last year when they created a home-based business catered to families with young children.
This month marks the first year of Sweet Cheeks Diaper Service, and the delivery (and cleaning) company continues to grow at a steady pace as word spreads across the Inland Northwest.
“It just popped into my head at 3:15 in the morning,” says co-owner Jessica Hampsch of Rathdrum when describing how she came upon the business idea. It was during the early morning hour as she nursed her then-newborn twins.
“The more I looked into it, the more I found that there was a market and a need for another diaper service,” added the mother of three.
With the help of pals and co-founders Emily Jensen of Spokane Valley and Michelle Todhunter of Newman Lake, a business was born.
The trio received some general how-to guidance from a Seattle-based diaper company. Then they set up shop with a commercial laundering machine, special detergents and washing cycles, and traditional cotton diapers and accessories. Hampsch and Todhunter now operate the company, as Jensen opted out after the birth of her child.
“We’re busy moms, too,” noted Todhunter, a mother of six. “Our goal is to make this whole experience and (customers’) lives easier.”
The women agree that many people are intimidated by the idea of using cloth diapers. But they say it’s not that much more time consuming than using disposables when using a diaper service because there is no rinsing, soaking or washing required by the customer. And they’ve seen more people opt for cloth with the growing health and environmental concerns and awareness, as well as for the cost savings compared to disposable diapers.
Sweet Cheeks Diaper Service offers weekly delivery and pick up of the number of diapers and covers for sizes from newborn to toddler. They do all the laundering. In fact, a diaper from each wash cycle is checked for the Ph balance so that it is as neutral as a baby’s skin. Plus, each diaper is checked to ensure all are stain-free and ready for reuse.
At start up, customers receive a diaper pail similar to those for disposable diapers, which keeps everything contained for pick up.
Set up includes the pail, diapers, three covers and special diaper clips that eliminate the need for pins. There is no charge for set up. Weekly fees range from $16 to $25 depending on the quantity and size of requested diapers and include delivery.