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Business tax overdue

Why does the Spokane City Council continue to neglect its fiduciary responsibility regarding the budget? Why must city employees bail the council out with concessions? Do council members want to nickel and dime them each year so they become minimum-wage employees? Remember, you get what you pay for!

However, there is one untapped source the council seems to have conveniently forgotten. It’s called a local business and occupation tax. Yep, the dreaded local B&O tax! Why won’t the council entertain a local B&O tax? Is it because big business runs the City Council? Is it because many of the City Council members are business people? Is it because businesses make idle threats to leave if a local B&O tax were put in place?

For years businesses have been getting a free ride on the backs of Spokane’s citizens. They make out well with the lucrative events coming to Spokane, yet little of these monies make it into the city’s general fund. In order to have a safe city for these events you need a strong police and fire presence. The council needs to get some political guts and institute a local B&O tax and stop future layoffs.

Tom Stanton

Deer Park

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