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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

Attack ads mangle truth

I find the negative advertisements against Sen. Patty Murray highly inaccurate and misleading. The bank bailout, or TARP, was $700 billion in loans and is estimated to only cost the taxpayer $51 billion.

The stimulus is working because the Dow Jones industrial average is now around 11,000 instead of 7,000. Thus, I have more money in my retirement funds and I am increasing my consumer spending. Employment is also slowly increasing.

Patty Murray is not responsible for 18 years of increasing debt. She was elected in 1992 and there was a budget surplus in 2000. It was a Republican majority under President Bush that got rid of the surplus and created most of the current debt with wars and a huge unwarranted tax cut that did not increase industrial expansion. Personally, I find this distortion of facts, particularly by out-of-state interests, is an insult to my intelligence.

G. Thomas Clark

Deer Park

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