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Rich deserve equality, too

While attempting to satiate a metastasizing government, there comes a plan. Let’s tax the rich, more.

By all means. Divide, denigrate, demonize and divest those who have achieved, regardless of how hard they may have labored. After all, they can afford it. Restrict the recently rediscovered concept of “equality under the law” to gay marriage, illegal aliens and monoliths dedicated to Islamic triumphalism, while inflicting fiscal inequity under the law through intentionally divisive, arbitrary and complex tax statutes because – they can afford it.

The concept of the individual’s ability to maintain that which is lawfully earned being disproportionately degraded by an insatiable collective is as foreign to the founding of this republic as is Sharia Law.

Article 1, Section 8, of the Constitution required, “all Duties, Imposts, and Excises shall be Uniform throughout the United States.” Section 9, which based taxation on “apportionment” by census, was repealed with the ratification of the 16th Amendment, authorizing a federal tax “on incomes, from whatever source derived,” not any reason and in any manner devised.

If the perpetually partisan and parasitic politicians continue to provoke class warfare they should consider what they ask for. They might just get it.

Gary Warren


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