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Legal skills demonstrated
Judge Debra Hayes has served Spokane County for over 10 years, the last four as a dedicated District Court judge.
As a deputy prosecutor, she appeared before me many times in Superior Court, always prepared and committed to justice and accountability. She’s carried these traits forward in judicial service.
As a judicial colleague, I have observed her quality demeanor both on and off the bench. Judge Hayes brings strong legal experience and a stellar academic record as a magna cum laude graduate from Gonzaga Law School. Starting as a paralegal, she rose to her current position with hard work and perseverance.
Her opponent lacks legal experience and disregarded a golden opportunity to acquire judicial training in the recent free pro tem training, a requirement for attorneys who desire to serve by covering hearings when judges are unavailable. His recent comments implied this training is unnecessary and unimportant. With little to offer, his campaign focus has been marked by mudslinging of the worst kind by attacking Judge Hayes for taking time off, never mentioning the tragic loss of her son or that her time away was covered by accrued sick leave and vacation.
Vote to re-elect Judge Debra Hayes.
Fred Aronow
Liberty Lake