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Republicans just don’t care

So the Republicans came out with their awesome new platform that is going to return us to heyday America and slice our bread too. There is much stirring blather: “Defend the homeland” and “end abortion” – except that if Republicans really cared about abortion aside from using it as a prop to excite the masses, they could’ve had the Republican president, House and Senate pass a law.

They call this big whoop the “Pledge to America.” Um, isn’t it a little soon to unleash the “pledge” when we’re still reeling from the hideous Newt Gingrich “Contract with America” that turned out to have more corruption and scandal than a Mafia business retreat?

Gingrich’s plan was mainly about fantastically enriching other Republicans, although it also gave him the opportunity to dump his wife in the middle of her cancer treatment.

Let’s get something straight. The Republican Party doesn’t care about you any more than Newt cared about his cancer-stricken wife. The richest Americans are getting richer, while the country as a whole gets poorer. Twenty percent of the population owns 84 percent of the nation’s wealth. And those are cold, hard facts – not arousing truthiness factoids designed to pump up your emotional center.

Nancy Runyan

Spokane Valley

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