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Settlements an outrage

Mr. Harari’s letter is a stark reminder of how myopic many Americans have become about the world outside their doors. The illegal settlement construction by Israel is not only about one political entity or another claiming territory – though it is that – but is also about real people being driven from their actual homes, which are then destroyed and replaced by new homes for others coming to live on their land.

Mr. Harari seems to delight in the prospect of this type of activity going on here, with its attendant economic fortunes, implying that the displaced Palestinians should be grateful.

I wonder how he would feel if at some point in the future, the Chinese (just as an example) invaded North America and took over parts of our land, justifying it because, well, it was never really “our” land to begin with. They then proceeded to kick thousands of people in Spokane out of their homes, put them into settlement camps and began demolishing those homes and replacing them with luxury condos for Chinese immigrants.

I wonder if, in this scenario, people like Mr. Harari would gratefully accept one of the construction jobs or resort to violent resistance.

Ken Jones


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