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Need to profile

Regarding your 11/19 editorial defending new TSA screening. TSA is a delayed-reaction organization. There has already been a guy in Saudi Arabia who packed his rectum with explosives and was detonated in an assassination attempt. Google “detonator inserted in his rectum” to read about it. There have already been published stories about explosive breast implants being possible. The new TSA screening will not detect either. Next, after a butt bomb, must we be willing to submit to anal and vaginal searches and mammograms?

Given time and lots of money, it doesn’t take much imagination to devise a plan to get weapons past passenger screening, by exploiting the high volume commerce that goes on past passenger security screening. We are just going through the motions; “security theater” is an apt description.

For real airport security, we need to profile, to be able to spend extra time on the few likely people, and bag match checked luggage. If we are to have merchants at airports, then they need to be in the unsecured area.

On airport security we are truly acting like a nation of dull PC sheep. Our “leaders” of both parties, are still treating us as such.

Tom Horne


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