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Shariah vote telling

Oklahoma voters approved a ballot measure prohibiting state courts from considering Shariah law when deciding cases. A Muslim representing the Council on American-Islamic Relations filed suit claiming the measure unconstitutional. This will certainly foster improved relations.

It seems about 70 percent of Oklahoma voters approved the measure. But can someone make me understand why 30 percent voted against it? Political correctness, you think? Can’t offend Islam?

This political correctness idiocy is treacherous, subtly weakening our society. Consider the United Kingdom: Per the Daily Mail and the Sunday Times, as many as 85 Shariah courts are legal in Britain.

Things like this exacerbate my distrust of Muslims. The voice of the warm and fuzzy will label me a racist bigot, and I respect their constitutional right to do so. However, the nonradical Muslims – where is their voice? I don’t hear them, do you?

By not speaking out, they lend tacit support to Muslim terrorists. In my book they are confirming that any nonbeliever (infidel) is the enemy. Browse the Quran and tell me again that Islam is a religion of peace, harmony and tolerance.

God bless America, and God bless our troops.

Steve Brixen


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