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Dark side of CFLs

I am a 59-year-old woman who has lived with systemic lupus erythematosus for 25-plus years. I am considered photo-sensitive, which means any source of ultraviolet light triggers disease activity in my body. Outdoors, I am covered in 50-plus sunblock, hats, long sleeves and pants regardless of the temperature. Indoors is my escape from UV radiation.

I also develop severe fatigue and, at the worst, migraine headaches that take days to resolve when exposed to UV radiation.

The new CFL bulbs produce UV radiation and are not covered with any type of UV shield. The technology to do so has been around for over 20 years but it isn’t cheap. I know the CFLs use less energy, but what about my health when I have to be exposed to them in my home as well?

With the new policy in place and incandescent bulbs becoming scarce, I too am hoarding the old-style bulbs. If these new CFL bulbs are my only choice, where do I go to escape my enemy?

Jane Orto

Coeur d’Alene

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