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The Slice: It’s the computer that’s stupid, not you

We all know about their old reputation, and some of us remember that recurring “Saturday Night Live” skit featuring the tech-assist guy brimming with disdain.

But in reality, the folks who help you with computer problems at work are often the nicest people in the building.

Default dinner: “When your meal plans go awry, try the chicken pot pie,” said Chuck Boos.

“Waffles!” wrote Judy Boyer.

And Lucinda Karber’s kids used to wince when she declared it was CORN time. That stood for “Clean out the refrigerator night.”

With just 10 days between now and Thanksgiving: It might be too late to get therapy for your extended family. But you can still rehearse a line from 1999’s “Topsy-Turvy”: “I’m sure we shall reap the benefit of your remonstrations in the fullness of time.”

Speaking of the holiday and lines from movies: Here’s a quick quiz.

In what film with a quasi-Thanksgiving theme does a character fret that if reincarnation is a reality that means he might have to sit through the Ice Capades again?

The answer is right above today’s Slice question.

Someone asked me: So here’s my guess. I’d say Spanish is the second most-spoken language in the Spokane area. But maybe it’s Russian or even Japanese.

What would you say?

Just wondering: Do people who almost never have drop-in visitors put on their going-to-bed attire earlier than those who might expect to hear the doorbell ring after dinner?

The truth is: Plenty of us are all for “Buy local” right up until the moment some other option is more convenient.

Slice answer (where the weather ranks in the list of things that determine your mood): “Numero uno,” wrote Ken Stout.

At least that’s the case from November until March. He’s a truck driver.

Quiz answer: “Hannah and Her Sisters,” from 1986.

Today’s Slice question: Strictly from the standpoint of the look and sound of the numbers, which is the cooler area code – 509 or 208?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Not all that many people these days can identify Stoddard King.

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