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NPR’s intolerance exposed
With National Public Radio’s firing of Juan Williams, the left wing is once again hoist on its own petard. Mr. Williams expressed an apprehension many Americans fear to give voice to in our P.C.-infested culture.
NPR conveniently overlooked the fact that he went on to say that these feelings should in no way result in discrimination against Muslims. Adding insult to injury, NPR CEO Vivianne Schiller suggested Mr. Williams consult his psychiatrist – Juan Williams, probably one of the most level-headed, fair-minded and honorable journalists of recent decades.
Since elements of the left wing accuse every critic of the president of racism, perhaps we should ask if Williams’ firing was racially motivated, as he was the lone male African-American at NPR.
The left’s much-vaunted bragging about tolerance is laughable when NPR’s Nina Totenberg once stated her wish that Jesse Helms (and his grandchildren) would contract AIDS (she wasn’t fired), and tea party members are slandered and insulted by the likes of Terry Gross (also still working at NPR). Apparently the left only tolerates free speech which falls in line with its political agenda, and any who disagree must be unstable or insane (as per the old Soviet Union).
Sharon Eide
Bridgeport, Wash.