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The Slice: Ready to jump through hoops to see GU hoops?

It’s a bit early to be talking about Christmas.

But The Slice has a gift for some lucky reader. And it won’t keep until December.

Here’s the deal. I possess two tickets to this Friday’s Gonzaga University men’s basketball game against the Southern University Jaguars. I’ll hand them over to the person submitting the best answer to the following question.

If you could give the Spokane area a special 2010 Christmas present, what would it be?

Use your imagination. Your gift idea could be real, fanciful, existential, metaphysical, attitudinal, infrastructural, spiritual or whatever.

For instance, I think it would be a wonderful gift to Spokane if there were zero puppies or kittens born here in all of 2011. Or perhaps free pants-fitting consultations for everyone would be nice. Or a pony.

It’s up to you.

To be considered, your entry needs to be in by 5 p.m. on Monday. Make sure to include a daytime phone number. And if you enter via phone message, do me a favor and spell your name.

One submission per person, please.

The winner will need to come to the Review Tower this week to collect the tickets in person.

Good luck.

Ten years from now, drivers using studded tires will be … : A) Living in compounds, proclaiming their right to keep and bear tires. B) Off the grid, existing in a barter-based subculture. C) Radicalized by societal scorn, they will push legislators to make studded tires mandatory. D) Meeting in secret gathering places, and plotting with smokers, helmetless motorcycle riders and income-tax advocates. E) Expressing their rugged Western independence by wearing sweatshirts that proclaim “People who say studs don’t help have never driven on glare ice.” F) Affixing bumper stickers that say “My other car has regular tires.” G) Chuckling while reading letters to the editor expressing hostility toward their way of life. H) Other.

Today’s Slice question: About whom do you have the most divided opinion when it comes to separating your feelings re: art and artist?

I’ll open the bidding with Frank Sinatra.

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail Spokane is unlike Whoville in three key ways.

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