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Students’ pursuit applauded

After many months of negative electioneering it is wonderful to read the article Oct. 30 about the North Central students pursuing the DNA of the American buffalo/bison. We don’t hear enough of these stories and I congratulate Lifen Guo, Marina DeFrates, Forrest Ireland and Elizabeth Rose on their project.

Guided by their teacher, Randy James – obviously a great motivator – these are the type of future scientists who someday might find the cure to cancer through genetic intervention. I hope readers notice that the kids say they wish they could spend more time on this project.

From my college classes in microbiology, I know the excitement of the chase and I hope many colleges will be following these students throughout this project. We all bemoan the education that our kids seem to be receiving so this story restores my faith in the future.

Thank you, Jody Lawrence-Turner, for the interesting article that is full of such positive information. I hope you will update us from time to time, and I expect to hear great things about these four young people.

Good luck to all of them.

Bette B. Topp


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