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Obama win didn’t ease debt

To those who continue to blame President Bush for the economic crisis in our country, I have to ask – why shouldn’t President Obama share some of the blame for DOUBLING the national (deficit) over the last two years? Is he forgiven because he is a Democrat, or did you just not realize that the debt is continuing to soar even though President Bush is no longer in charge?

Recently it was reported that our government asked China to increase the value of their (yuan) so the U.S. dollar will drop to the point that we can be competitive with China in manufacturing. Let that sink in. Just how far does our dollar have to drop so we can be competitive with China? And how is this going to help millions of Americans who are struggling financially today?

We have some very tough choices ahead of us. The biggest one will probably be whether we will continue to add to our unsustainable debt or drastically cut programs, including those that our most vulnerable citizens depend on. No matter how we got here, we need to stop pointing fingers and start finding solutions, before we no longer have any choices left.

Gail Oehl


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