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Witter’s legacy remains real

The Spokesman-Review

I am a competitive swimmer on a local club team and wanted to express my thanks and appreciation for the renovation of the Witter pool. I have been to many swim meets where the facilities are nowhere near as nice as the pools Spokane has. I know that when Mr. Witter had the pool originally built, he wanted it to be Olympic-sized so that professional swim meets could be held there. This was a great thing for the local swim teams because now there are three teams that call Witter pool their home for the summer.

The Witter pool has an emotional connection to me and many other swimmers, and I would have been very sad if the pool had been torn down. When I was 11, I made it to my first finals heat at a meet held at Witter pool. That race was huge for me, and I am glad that all of the good memories I have from practices and swim meets at Witter can continue to be alive.

Thank you, Spokane, and thank you, Mr. Witter. Without this pool, many swimmers would not be as successful as they are today.

Alli Bumann


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