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Evolutionism blocks thinking

The Spokesman-Review

Poor Donald Clegg (Faith & Values column, May 8). His brain was washed in evolutionism in elementary school and his mind has been closed ever since.

He states, “The earth is about 4.5 billion years old,” obviously an assumption-laden, faith-based, religious statement. He takes on faith that evolution is “indisputably the case,” even though he states earlier that “certain” details are in dispute.

Evolutionism is not science, but rather an imaginary historical narrative, claiming that from nothing, by time plus chance plus nothing, came everything. And if you claim on faith that “nature” selects the “best,” you’re simply naming your god “nature.”

Evolutionism is the faith of many (not all) scientists, who realize that without it, they will never penetrate the old-boy, peer-review network to get their stuff published.

Larry Zimmerman

Electric City, Wash.

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