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Still Spokane’s finest

The Spokesman-Review

I’ve written as a Spokane Police Department officer before, but today I’m just me. Much has been said about the SPD and its troubles. We certainly have seen better days, but I won’t for a minute believe that the majority of Spokane’s citizens don’t still hold us in high regard.

The vocal minority clamor for increased oversight and berate the ombudsman because he doesn’t believe that he needs any additional authority. Why? Because he hasn’t found anything more than minor changes to make to our current internal investigation system. By the way, our current system is the same as it was before he arrived.

I can tell you that the men and women of the SPD (civilian and commissioned) are some of the finest people around. They have gone through an exhaustive background check and received extensive training. We do a dangerous, difficult job. We accept that, we chose it. For years we have been one of the finest police departments in the country, on the cutting edge of training and procedures. That hasn’t changed.

Credibility and public trust are at the very core of what we do. We recognize and embrace that. For anyone to suggest otherwise is just wrong.

Dave McCabe


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