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Energy use is true target

The Spokesman-Review

“Think global, act local” is a mantra of the U.N. program called Local Agenda 21 (LA21). ICLEI (International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives), also called Local Governments for Sustainability, developed and proposed the LA21 concept and campaign, which is endorsed in chapter 28 of the U.N. Division for Sustainable Development plan called Agenda 21.

Spokane is a dues-paying member of ICLEI. In 1992, ICLEI helped write the U.N. Agenda 21 plan for sustainable development. Leo Jack Fagan’s May 4 letter is correct that Spokane is following a U.N. plan.

Well-meaning citizens may think the measurement of greenhouse gas emissions that were evaluated in Spokane by ICLEI computer toolkits is all about achieving a green environmental agenda. However, the real green agenda will be to control your energy use based upon taxing/penalizing greenhouse gas emissions.

Gloria Clark


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