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Anti-war hotline needed

The Spokesman-Review

“Coming to grips” on Sunday’s (Feb. 28) front page is heart-wrenching, but it would be of greater benefit if it were not from an exclusively pro-war perspective. The veterans hotline is in a prominent place, but there’s no hint that our serious epidemic of post-traumatic stress disorder and other veterans’ disabilities is a preventable disaster.

Christy and Kenny McAnally can hardly be faulted for feeling a sense of duty, but our society failed to teach them that participation in an aggressive, foreign war fails to produce fulfillment or security. From military disasters since World War II, our government has learned only that it can continue sending young people to kill and be killed, regardless of reason or moral considerations.

We need a hotline for youth who want a more constructive way to serve. If you want to help disabled veterans, stop creating them.

Rusty Nelson


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