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Don’t neglect adults

The Spokesman-Review

As a longtime resident of Davenport, Wash., and someone who is always looking for something to do here, all year round, I read Sunday’s article, “Pass it on,” with great amusement. The line about how Davenport doesn’t feel isolated – if you’re an adult – really made me laugh.

How many adults – single or otherwise – did Rebecca Nappi speak to when preparing this article? I’m delighted and overjoyed that the children of Davenport have a new swimming pool and a skate park, and come next summer, they’ll have a huge ballfield. Can’t the city officials, including the mayor, whose line I loved – “We’re the adults. We need to provide entities for kids to just have fun.” – dream up entities for people of ALL ages to have fun, right here in Davenport?

Contrary to popular belief, there are adults living in this town of 1,750 people. And not all of us have a car to drive to Spokane or elsewhere to entertain ourselves. Maybe, one of these days, they’ll start thinking about the rest of us.

Jody L. Wilke

Davenport, Wash.

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