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Bad dream team: Palin, BP

The Spokesman-Review

Has BP consulted yet with Sarah Palin on how to stop the leak?

Out of her mouth, that is. So far, they have been unsuccessful at stopping the oil leak. They have tried operations “top hat,” “junk shot,” “top kill,” etc. So far, all have failed quicker than Sarah Palin’s term as governor of Alaska.

The only operation with 100 percent success is going to be “Operation Shish-Kebab.” This is where BP will skewer our wallets with absolute fail-safe precision at the pumps.

While the oil is still gushing, Sarah Palin, who is one-half of the McCain/Palin failure team, a quitter, and the receiver of the “liar of the year award,” is now coming out with a new book while Fox News and the GOP have been able to harness the power of her mouth by stuffing loads of money into it.

Jimmy Pappas

Coeur d’Alene

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