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When a church isn’t a church

The Spokesman-Review

I’m sorry, Judge Hall, but you got it wrong.

According to last Tuesday’s S-R, Judge Janet Hall ruled that the high school graduation in Enfield, Conn., could not be held at the First Cathedral in Bloomfield, which was the only building available large enough to house the crowd and the rental price was right.

Two students and three parents filed suit even though the “religious” imagery would be covered. Please note that the complainants were not being forced to enter. They had the option of staying home.

The school board recognized what the judge missed. They were renting an auditorium, not a church. A “church” is an enclosed space with a controlled environment where the people of God (the church) gather to do their worship. Without the worshippers the “church” is only a building.

You got it wrong, Judge.

Rev. Wilton Hille


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