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Billig understands issues

Third Legislative District voters have an opportunity to send a representative to Olympia who will put our district on the map, represent our values and bring home much-needed resources.

A father and human services volunteer, Andy Billig knows firsthand the challenges our families face on a daily basis. He has a daughter in Spokane public schools and knows we need to address education and dropout issues. He knows we need opportunities to build community. He knows we need jobs.

Not only does Andy have the community involvement background to know the needs of our district, he has the business and leadership experience to do something about it. As the president of the Spokane Indians baseball team, he knows how to grow small businesses and meet payroll. He recognizes the 3rd Legislative District needs a hand up, not a handout, to grow and prosper, and he will work hard for all of us.

Check out where Andy stands on issues. From job creation to senior services, he has the right ideas to make a difference for all of us. I think you’ll agree he is the right person for the job.

Tim McHenry


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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