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Talk show hosts unqualified

The Spokesman-Review

The idea that the nightly news is somehow biased, and Fox News and AM radio talk show hosts are the only ones who speak the truth, is the most ludicrous and frightening idea I have ever heard.

Why in the world would anyone believe a ridiculously overpaid, ultrarich talk show host cares more about them than their democratically elected representatives?

These people have never held a public office of any kind, not even dog catcher. A recent letter asked why the president will not debate these talk show hosts. Because he has a real job.

I don’t blame Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and their ilk for not running for office. They have made an obscene amount of money criticizing and complaining. Why would they want to get a real job, where you actually have to accomplish something?

The actual purpose of these shows is make you as miserable as they pretend to be. Do us all a favor and turn off the propaganda channels and listen to the news. You remember the news, the unbiased reporting of facts, instead of some millionaires’ opinions and distortions.

E. C. Guise


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