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The Spokesman-Review

Jim Camden needs to study the U.S. Constitution and the Federalist Papers to get a more accurate view of the intentions of our courageous and intellectually gifted Founding Fathers. That U.S. part, Mr. Camden, stands for “United STATES of America.”

It was the states that established the federal government to serve their needs, not the other way around. The legislative bills he refers to as “overruling U.S. powers” do not overrule U.S. powers. That is a misinterpretation of these bills.

Read them. They reassert strong states’ right over abusive central government powers that have gotten out of the control of the states and “we the people.” Endless federal mandates are killing our free nation. Our founders, who fled abusive central government powers in Europe, fought a bloody revolution against the British government because, as the Declaration of Independence graphically outlines, they had come to a point where they felt they needed to throw off the unjust bonds of tyranny that were damaging American commerce and taking away God-given freedoms in the new colonies. We are there again.

Cindy Zapotocky


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