Fox attack misinformed
I am just shaking my head over the small-mindedness of Terry Hill’s letter (“The chuckle channel?” Jan. 27) bashing Fox News and extolling the virtues of the other “networks that concern themselves with reporting news.”
It’s obvious Mr. Hill doesn’t watch Fox News reporting and has no idea what he’s talking about. Rush has no program on Fox. Glenn Beck is not a news reporter and doesn’t claim to be. He is a commentator, a self-proclaimed conservative.
The news reporters of Fox News, Shep Smith, Bret Baier, Neil Cavuto and Greta Van Susteren, to name a few, are heads above the news reporters of the other networks. They actually do report the news without any political slant and leave it up to you to decide.
Come on, Mr. Hill. Try being fair and balanced for once. It just might open your eyes to the real difference between Fox News and the left-leaning news reporting coming from the networks you’re currently watching.
Janice Stoeser
Newman Lake