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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

The Slice: Her second chance at life

There was a fumble and then a recovery.

“Last Sunday, our minister broke a piece of bread for me and motioned to the wine cup and said, ‘The body of life and the cup of hope for you,’ after which I promptly dropped the piece of bread to the floor,” wrote Jody K. Hamilton.

“The minister quickly tore off another piece and said, in the same tone of voice, ‘Ditto.’ ”

On the other hand: Sandy Graf noted that plastic can be quicker than cash if the cashier can’t count.

My household would be the perfect test market for … : “Hearing aids.” – Meg Parker

“Dogs and cats living together in harmony.” – Sheila Geraghty

“A miracle device that could dispose of the several handfuls of dog hair that seem to be generated every day.” – Bob Curry

Then and now: “I wish I had known what a jerk I was then. Luckily, I know what a jerk I am now.” – Mack Stanhope

“That there are only two ways to handle women. And nobody knows either of them.” – Dan Breeden

“That opposites may attract but they shouldn’t get married.” – Pat Williams

Family Phrases Department: “Our son called St. Nick ‘Santa Closet’ when he was 2 or 3 years old,” said Erv Koller. “The name has stuck for over 30 years.”

Early Census results: “On a recent trip to Seattle on I-90 between Sprague Lake and Cle Elum we counted 25 hawks, four bald eagles, one blue heron and a swan,” wrote Kent Richardson.

Nicest receptionist: Mary Kay Rolwes nominated Cindy at the Emergency Pet Clinic on the North Side. “She’s always cheery and sympathetic, even when dealing with payment issues, bleeding pets and crying people.”

To be continued.

Today’s Slice question: How do you define “Spokane suburb”?

Write The Slice at P.O. Box 2160, Spokane, WA 99210; call (509) 459-5470; fax (509) 459-5098; e-mail This month had to set a record for the number of times Spokane was mentioned in The New York Times.

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