Restore Founders’ ideal
To David Brookbank Jr. (Letters, Jan. 12): In spite of recent socialist tendencies, this is not a socialist country and hopefully never will be. Please read your early American history and our founding documents, namely the Declaration and the Constitution. The War of Independence was not fought to establish a socialist state. Do you advocate a new revolution to overthrow what our Founders established?
I share your disgust of the policies of President Obama, but for different reasons. He apparently has let you down in your quest for a Utopian America and world based on socialist principles.
You call him a “war-mongering capitalist imperialist.” I call him a “statist” as defined in the masterful work “Liberty and Tyranny” by the great American patriot Mark R. Levin. The statist Mr. Obama is working overtime to destroy what was once known as the “land of the free.”
I reject both the path Mr. Obama is attempting to force us down and the misguided, naive socialist path you advocate. I will do everything in my power to help return this country to its founding principles and I encourage my fellow citizens to do likewise. It’s time to take a stand for liberty.
Mike Gross