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Obama’s reaction inconsistent

The Spokesman-Review

Perhaps someone who voted for our current president can help me understand his bizarre behavior.

When the black Harvard professor accused a white Boston police officer last summer of racism, the president immediately condemned and criticized the officer. The president said: “The Cambridge police acted stupidly in arresting somebody when there was already proof that they were in their own home.”

Compare his quick judgment and condemnation of an American police officer with his nonjudgmental comments about terrorists. Regarding the Nigerian who tried to blow up the plane on Christmas to kill some 300 innocent passengers, the president referred to him as a “suspect” who “allegedly” tried to ignite explosives.

I have a suggestion. Let’s tell the president that all the terrorists are former Cambridge police. Perhaps then he’ll take the steps necessary to protect you and me from the real terrorists. Sorry, I meant alleged not-so-nice-people.

Geoff Swindler


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