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The Slice: Youngsters’ dreams for world are breath of fresh air
Spokane Valley teacher Amber Parviainen asked her second-graders about their dreams for the world.
Here are some of the answers:
“I have a dream that all dogs will find good homes.” – Alyssa
“I have a dream that trees will not be gone.” – Christopher
“I have a dream that people would be using less cars and more bikes.” – Andrew
“I have a dream that everyone would have a home.” – Mattingly
“I have a dream to keep Disneyworld and Disneyland clean.” – Garrick
“I have a dream that people will stop fighting.” – Ethan
“I have a dream that people will plant more trees so that everyone could have more oxygen like in Mexico and Iowa.” – Liberty
Slice answer: Bobby Williams had taken her daughter to her flute teacher’s home for a lesson. While waiting, Williams took off her winter coat and set it down.
When it came time to put it back on, she was surprised to discover that several 5-week-old kittens had taken up residence in one of the sleeves.
What a racket.
“They put up a vigorous defense,” said Williams.
Speaking of pets in tight spots: CJ Jones has a black Lab named Grace that fetches the newspaper from the delivery tube. Unfortunately, the dog sometimes gets stuck.
“She is then forced to jump up and down until her head is released from The Spokesman-Review dog trap,” wrote Jones.
In Tuesday’s Slice: Your chance to win two tickets to a GU men’s basketball game.
Today’s Slice question: There’s this one announcer who says “Ring it up!” Another exclaims “Bang!” And some go with “Got it!” But if you were a homer-style broadcaster doing play-by-play of basketball games, what would be your signature call for your team’s successful three-point shots?