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Don’t keep the change

The Spokesman-Review

Obama will be known as “The Great Deceiver,” the majority of Congress “The Great Destroyers.”

Obama promised change, asked Congress to give billions to failed companies, pushed unemployment to over 10 percent, watched as millions needlessly lost homes and bankruptcies and credit card rates skyrocketed.

Rather than abolishing the Fed, Congress had the Treasury print our money, gave it to the Fed and told us we had to pay back, with interest, our money we gave the Fed – without telling us where to get the money needed to pay the interest.

It is past time to terminate the Federal Reserve, a private company, cap the interest rate on all government-backed loans and make all banks nonprofits, an effective solution to our country’s financial problems.

Congress forgot to loan us, interest-free, the money to save our homes and jobs (we would have paid them back) while giving billions more to failed companies that are giving more than $19 billion as bonuses to those who created the mess. Is anything wrong with this picture?

We have a kleptocratic government controlled by an oligarchy and still have a Congress funded by special interests. So where’s the change? It can come this year!

John Axtell

Valley, Wash.

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